3FR - Three-phase IP00 transformers

Opened build transformers of general purpose for building into installations and industrial or power engineering devices. The coils are made with aluminium or copper plate, what lets us to achieve very high current value and small dimensions of transformer. Vacuum impregnation with insulating varnish. The transformers are made with Class I insulation and protection rating of IP00, maximum ambient temperature 40°C, thermal classification: F or H. Manufactured in compliance with EN60076. Dimensions in the table should be treated as approximate due to
the different possible construction versions.


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Breve Tufvassons Sp. z o. o.
Postępowa 25/27
93-347 Łódź, Poland
NIP: 727-012-56-95
KRS: 0000034304
REGON: 004278382

Contact us:
phone: (42) 640 15 39
fax: (42) 640 15 41